
Syslinux from USB Stick: boot the next hard disk in the boot sequence

I use the great Syslinux bootloader to boot the frugal installation of Slacko PuppyLinux from my Usb Stick, in this way i have a complete portable OS always with me that i can use for every evenience when i can use a pc that isn't mine, for example to surfing the web with my synced bookmarks in FireFox. Syslinux is fully customizable and in my boot menu i added a voice to simply boot the next...

Linux: display colorized boot messages from bootlogd daemon

If we have an error at startup on a linux distro and we want check the log of the bootlogd then we can use this command and we will display the colorized log: sed $'s/\^\[/\E/g;s/\[1G\[/\[27G\[/' /var/log/boot


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