December 2009

Shadow Copy: script to manage the shadow copy space on Windows Vista/Windows 7

If you see that the space on your hard disk decreases abnormally do not worry, this is due to Shadow Copy . Shadow Copy is a feature introduced with Windows XP SP1 and allows the creation of manual or automatic backup copies and in Windows Vista and Windows 7 is used by its backup utility, System Restore and Previous Version; By default, the space used by Shadow Copy is 15% of the hard drive on Windows Vista and 5% of the hard drive on Windows 7; this means that for example, under Vista, on a hard disk of 300 Gb Shadow Copy can come to occupy about 40 Gb . Windows give us the possibility to manage this space with some simple command. We can check the space occupied by Shadow Copy with this command: vssadmin list shadowstorage /for=c We can resize the space available for Shadow Copy with...