zmodopipe: connect Zoneminder with several DVR

Thanks to zmodopipe we can connect Zoneminder with several commercial DVR as the Zmodo ones, this is a project that have been started on the Zoneminder forum by the user Phoenix84 and has been continued on github by the user pbeyl. I'm simply copying it here for backup purposes.

Here the code of zmodopipe.c:

 * Read QSee/Zmodo cameras               *
 * Forward stream to FIFO pipe           *
 * Author: Daniel Osborne                *
 * Based on IP Cam Viewer by Robert Chou *
 * License: Public Domain                *

/* Version history
 * 0.43 - 2015-06-12
 *       Added support for mEye compatible.
 * 0.42 - 2015-04-22
 *       Added support for Swann DVR8-4000 and compatible.
 * 0.41 - 2013-05-03
 *       Fixed -h option not displaying help.
 * 0.4 - 2013-04-21
 *       Add support for some Swann models
 *       Added Visionari patch by jasonblack
 *       Fix incorrect use of select timeout struct.
 * 0.3 - 2012-01-26
 *       Add support for DVR-8104UV/8114HV and CnM Classic 4 Cam DVR
 * 0.2 - 2011-11-12
 *       Got media port support working (for some models at least).
 *       Changed fork behavior to fix a bug, now parent only spawns children, it doesn't stream.
 * 0.1 - 2011-08-26
 *       Initial version, working mobile port support, but buggy

// Compile: gcc -Wall zmodopipe.c -o zmodopipe

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

//typedef enum bool {false=0, true=1,} bool;

typedef enum CameraModel
	mobile = 1,	// Q-See/Swann/Zmodo DVR w/mobile port
	media,		// Q-See/Zmodo w/media port
	media_header,	// Q-See/Zmodo w/media port and header packet
	qt504,		// Q-See QT-504 compatible model
	dvr8104_mobile,	// Zmodo DVR-8104/8114
	cnmclassic,	// CnM Classic 4 Cam
	visionari,	// Visionari 4/8 channel DVR
	swannmedia,	// Swann media
	swanndvr8,  // Swann dvr8-4000
	meye,	// mEye compatible DVR
} CameraModel;

// Structure for logging into QSee/Zmodo DVR's mobile port
// Must be in network byte order
struct QSeeLoginMobile
	int	val1;		// 4 Set to 64
	int	val2;		// 4 Set to 0;
	short	val3;		// 2 Set to 41
	short	val4;		// 2 Set to 56
	char	user[32];	// 32 username field (len might be 24, not sure)
	char	pass[20];	// 20 password field
	short	ch;		// 2 Camera channel (0 index)
	short	val5;		// 2 unknown (reserved?)
};	// total size: 		   68 bytes

// Structure for logging into QSee/Zmodo DVR's media port
// Must be in network byte order
struct QSeeLoginMedia
	char valc[47];		// 47 bytes, special values
	char user[8];		//  8 username field
	char vals[26];		// 26 unknown values
	char pass[6];		//  6 password field
	char filler[420];	//420 Filler (more unknown)
};	// Total size:		  507 bytes

// Structure for logging into QSee QT-504
// There are two other structures, but simple byte arrays are used for those
struct QSee504Login
	char vala[32];		// 44 bytes, special values
	char user[8];		//  8 username field
	char valb[28];		// 28 unknown values
	char pass[6];		//  6 password field
	char valc[30];		// 30 more unknown
	char host[8];		//  8 Hostname, apparently (how big??)
	char filler[32];	// 32 Filler (more unknown)
};	// Total size:		  144 bytes

// Structure for logging into Zmodo DVR-8104
struct DVR8104MobileLogin
	char vala[60];		// 60 bytes
	char user[4];		//  4 username field(really 4?)
	char valb[28];		// 26 unknown values
	char pass[6];		//  6 password field
	char filler[18];	// 18 Filler (more unknown)
};	// Total size:		  116 bytes

// Structure for logging into CnM 4 Cam Classic CCTV
struct CnMClassicLogin
	char vala[40];		// 40 bytes
	char user[8];		//  8 username field
	char valb[24];		// 24 unknown values
	char pass[6];		//  6 password field
	char filler[422];	//422 Filler (more unknown)
};	// Total size:		  500 bytes

struct VisionariLogin
	char vala[60];		// 60 bytes
	char user[8];		//  4 username field
	char valb[24];		// 24 unknown values
	char pass[6];		//  6 password field
	char filler[18];	// 18 Filler (more unknown)
};	// Total size:		  112 bytes 

// Structure for logging into QSee/Zmodo DVR's media port
// Must be in network byte order
struct SwannLoginMedia
	char valc[47];		// 47 bytes, special values
	char user[8];		//  8 username field
	char vals[24];		// 24 unknown values
	char pass[6];		//  6 password field
	char filler[422];	//422 Filler (more unknown)
};	// Total size:		  507 bytes

// Structure for logging into Swann DVR8-4000
struct SwannDVR8
	char valc[20];		// 20 bytes, special values
	char user[32];		//  32 username field
	char pass[32];		//  32 password field
	char filler[4];	    // 4 Filler (more unknown)
};	// Total size:		  88 bytes

// Structure for logging into mEye compatible
struct mEye
	char valc[18];		// 18 bytes, special values
	char user[20];		//  20 username field
	char pass[20];		//  20 password field
};	// Total size:		  58 bytes

#define MAX_CHANNELS 16		// maximum channels to support (I've only seen max of 16).

struct globalArgs_t {
	bool verbose;			// -v duh
	char *pipeName;			// -n name to use for filename (ch # will be appended)
	bool channel[MAX_CHANNELS];     // -c (support up to 16)
	char *hostname;			// -s hostname to connect to
	unsigned short port;		// -p port number
	CameraModel model;		// -m model to use
	char *username;			// -u login username
	char *password;			// -a login password
	int timer;			// -t alarm timer
} globalArgs = {0};

extern char *optarg;
const char *optString = "vn:c:p:s:m:u:a:t:h?";
int g_childPids[MAX_CHANNELS] = {0};
int g_cleanUp = false;
char g_errBuf[256];	// This will contain the error message for perror calls
int g_processCh = -1;	// Channel this process will be in charge of (-1 means parent)

void sigHandler(int sig);
void display_usage(char *name);
int printMessage(bool verbose, const char *message, ...);
int ConnectViaMobile(int sockFd, int channel);
int ConnectViaMedia(int sockFd, int channel);
int ConnectQT504(int sockFd, int channel);
int ConnectDVR8104ViaMobile(int sockFd, int channel);
int ConnectCnMClassic(int sockFd, int channel);
int ConnectSwannViaMedia(int sockFd, int channel);
int ConnectSwannDVR8(int sockFd, int channel);
int ConnectMEYE(int sockFd, int channel);
int ConnectVisionari(int sockFd, int channel);

// Function pointer list
int (*pConnectFunc[])(int, int) = {

void printBuffer(char *pbuf, size_t len)
	int n;

	printMessage(false, "Length: %lu\n", (unsigned long)len);
	for(n=0; n < len ; n++)
		printf( "%02x",(unsigned char)(pbuf[n]));
		if( ((n + 1) % 8) == 0 )
			printf(" ");		// Make hex string slightly more readable


int main(int argc, char**argv)
	char pipename[256];
	struct addrinfo hints, *server;
	struct sockaddr_in serverAddr;
	int retval = 0;
	char recvBuf[2048];
	struct sigaction sapipe, oldsapipe, saterm, oldsaterm, saint, oldsaint, sahup, oldsahup;
	char opt;
	int loopIdx;
	int outPipe = -1;
	struct sockaddr_un addr;
	int sockFd = -1;
	struct timeval tv;
	struct timeval tv, tv_sel;
	struct linger lngr;
	int status = 0;
	int pid = 0;

	lngr.l_onoff = false;
	lngr.l_linger = 0;

	// Process arguments
	// Clear and set defaults
	memset(&globalArgs, 0, sizeof(globalArgs));
	globalArgs.hostname =
		globalArgs.pipeName = "zmodo";
	globalArgs.model = media;
	globalArgs.username = 
		globalArgs.password = "admin";

	// Read command-line
	while( ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, optString)) != -1) && (opt != 255))
		switch( opt )
		case 'v':
			globalArgs.verbose = true;
		case 'c':[atoi(optarg) - 1] = true;
		case 'n':
			globalArgs.pipeName = optarg;
		case 's':
			globalArgs.hostname = optarg;
		case 'p':
			globalArgs.port = atoi(optarg);
		case 'm':
			globalArgs.model = atoi(optarg);
		case 'u':
			globalArgs.username = optarg;
		case 'a':
			globalArgs.password = optarg;
		case 't':
			globalArgs.timer = atoi(optarg);
		case 'h':
			// Fall through
		case '?':
			// Fall through
			return 0;

	// Set up default values based on provided values (if any)
	if( !globalArgs.port )
	    //printMessage(true, "%s\n", globalArgs.model);
		switch( globalArgs.model )
		case mobile:
			globalArgs.port = 18600;
		case media:
		case media_header:
		case cnmclassic:
		case swannmedia:
			globalArgs.port = 9000;
		case swanndvr8:
			globalArgs.port = 9000;
		case meye:
			globalArgs.port = 80;
		case qt504:
			globalArgs.port = 6036;
		case dvr8104_mobile:
			globalArgs.port = 8888;
		case visionari:
			globalArgs.port = 1115;

	memset(&saint, 0, sizeof(saint));
	memset(&saterm, 0, sizeof(saterm));
	memset(&sahup, 0, sizeof(sahup));
	// Ignore SIGPIPE
	sapipe.sa_handler = sigHandler;
	sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sapipe, &oldsapipe);

	saterm.sa_handler = sigHandler;
	sigaction(SIGTERM, &saterm, &oldsaterm);
	saint.sa_handler = sigHandler;
	sigaction(SIGINT, &saint, &oldsaint);
	signal( SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN );		// Ignore SIGUSR1 in parent process

	// SIGUSR2 is used to reset the pipe and connection
	sahup.sa_handler = sigHandler;
	sigaction(SIGUSR2, &sahup, &oldsahup);

	memset(&serverAddr, 0, sizeof(serverAddr));
	serverAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
	hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
	hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
	retval = getaddrinfo(globalArgs.hostname, NULL, &hints, &server);
	if( retval != 0 )
		printMessage(false, "getaddrinfo failed: %s\n", gai_strerror(retval));
		return 1;

	serverAddr.sin_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in*)server->ai_addr)->sin_addr;
	serverAddr.sin_port = htons(globalArgs.port);

		if( pid )
			printMessage(true, "Child %i returned: %i\n", pid, status);

			if( g_cleanUp == 2 )
				g_cleanUp = false;	// Ignore SIGHUP

		// Create a fork for each camera channel to stream
		for( loopIdx=0;loopIdx<MAX_CHANNELS;loopIdx++ )
			//static bool hitFirst = false;
			if([loopIdx] == true )
				// Always fork if we're starting up, or if the pid of the dead child process matches
				if( pid == 0 || g_childPids[loopIdx] == pid )
					g_childPids[loopIdx] = fork();

				// Child Process
				if( g_childPids[loopIdx] == 0 )
					// SIGUSR1 is used to reset the pipe and connection
					sahup.sa_handler = sigHandler;
					sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sahup, &oldsahup);

					memset(g_childPids, 0, sizeof(g_childPids));
					g_processCh = loopIdx;
				// Error
				else if( g_childPids[loopIdx] == -1 )
					printMessage(false, "fork failed\n");
					return 1;
	while( (pid = wait(&status)) > 0  && g_cleanUp != true );

	if( g_processCh != -1 )
		// At this point, g_processCh contains the camera number to use
		sprintf(pipename, "/tmp/%s%i", globalArgs.pipeName, g_processCh);

		tv.tv_sec = 5;		// Wait 5 seconds for socket data
		tv.tv_usec = 0;
		retval = mkfifo(pipename, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH);

		if( retval != 0 )
			sprintf(g_errBuf, "Ch %i: Failed to create pipe", g_processCh+1);

		while( !g_cleanUp )
			int flag = true;
			fd_set readfds;
			// Initialize the socket and connect
			sockFd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);

			if( setsockopt(sockFd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char*)&tv, sizeof(tv)))
				sprintf(g_errBuf, "Ch %i: %s", g_processCh+1, "Failed to set socket timeout");

			if( setsockopt(sockFd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char*)&flag, sizeof(flag)))
				sprintf(g_errBuf, "Ch %i: %s", g_processCh+1, "Failed to set TCP_NODELAY");
			if( setsockopt(sockFd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char*)&lngr, sizeof(lngr)))
				sprintf(g_errBuf, "Ch %i: %s", g_processCh+1, "Failed to set SO_LINGER");

			retval = connect(sockFd, (struct sockaddr*)&serverAddr, sizeof(serverAddr));
			if( globalArgs.verbose )
				printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Connect result: %i\n", g_processCh+1, retval);
			if( retval == -1 && errno != EINPROGRESS )
				int sleeptime = 10;

				if( globalArgs.verbose )
					sprintf(g_errBuf, "Ch %i: %s", g_processCh+1, "Failed to connect");
					printMessage(true, "Waiting %i seconds.\n", sleeptime);
				sockFd = -1;
			if( retval == -1 && errno != EINPROGRESS )
				sprintf(g_errBuf, "Ch %i: %s", g_processCh+1, "Failed to connect");
				return 1;
			retval = 0;

			if( pConnectFunc[globalArgs.model](sockFd, g_processCh) != 0 )
				printMessage(true, "Login failed, bailing.\nDid you select the right model?\n");
				sockFd = -1;
				return 1;
			if( fcntl(sockFd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == -1 )	// non-blocking sockets
				sprintf(g_errBuf, "Ch %i: %s", g_processCh+1, "Failed to set O_NONBLOCK");
			FD_SET(sockFd, &readfds	);
			// the stream sometimes goes grey,
			// this alarm should periodically reset the stream

			// Now we are connected and awaiting stream
				int read;
				tv_sel.tvsec = 0;
				tv_sel.tv_usec = 10000;	// Wait 10 ms

				if( select( sockFd+1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &tv_sel) == -1)
					sprintf(g_errBuf, "Ch %i: %s", g_processCh+1, "Select failed");
					sockFd = -1;
					break;			// Connection may have died, reset

				if (!FD_ISSET(sockFd, &readfds))
					if( globalArgs.verbose )
						printMessage(true, "\nCh %i: %s", g_processCh+1, "Read would block\n");
					continue;		// Not ready yet
				// Read actual h264 data from camera
				read  = recv(sockFd, recvBuf, sizeof(recvBuf), 0);
				// Server disconnected, close the socket so we can try to reconnect
				if( read <= 0 )
					if( errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK )
						if( globalArgs.verbose )
							printMessage(true, "\nCh %i: %s", g_processCh+1, "Read would block\n");
					if( globalArgs.verbose )
						printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Socket closed. Receive result: %i\n", g_processCh+1, read);
					sockFd = -1;

				if( globalArgs.verbose )

				if( outPipe == -1 )
					outPipe = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
					if( outPipe == -1 )
						perror("Error creating socket");

					memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
					addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
					strncpy(addr.sun_path, pipename, sizeof(addr.sun_path) - 1);

					if( bind(outPipe, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) == -1 )
						perror("Error binding socket");
				// Open the pipe if it wasn't previously opened
				if( outPipe == -1 )
					outPipe = open(pipename, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK);

				// send to pipe
				if( outPipe != -1 )

					if( (retval = write(outPipe, recvBuf, read)) == -1)
						if( errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK )
							if( globalArgs.verbose )
								printMessage(true, "\nCh %i: %s", g_processCh+1, "Reader isn't reading fast enough, discarding data. Not enough processing power?\n");

							// Right now we discard data, should be a way to buffer maybe?
						// reader closed the pipe, wait for it to be opened again.
						else if( globalArgs.verbose )
							sprintf(g_errBuf, "Ch %i: %s", g_processCh+1, "Pipe closed");
						outPipe = -1;
						sockFd = -1;
						if( globalArgs.verbose )
							printf("\b \b");
			while( sockFd != -1 && !g_cleanUp );
			// If we receive a SIGUSR1, close and reset everything
			// Then start the loop over again.
			if( g_cleanUp >= 2 )
				g_cleanUp = false;

				if( sockFd != -1 )

				sockFd = -1;

				if( g_cleanUp != 3 )
					if( outPipe != -1 )
					outPipe = -1;


		if( globalArgs.verbose )
			printMessage(true, "Exiting loop: %i\n", g_cleanUp);
		// Received signal to exit, cleanup


	// Restore old signal handler
	sigaction(SIGPIPE, &oldsapipe, NULL);
	sigaction(SIGTERM, &oldsaterm, NULL);
	sigaction(SIGINT, &oldsaint, NULL);
	sigaction(SIGUSR1, &oldsahup, NULL);

	// Kill all children (if any)
	for( loopIdx=0;loopIdx<MAX_CHANNELS;loopIdx++ )
		if([loopIdx] > 0 )
			kill([loopIdx], SIGTERM );
	return 0;

void display_usage(char *name)
	printf("Usage: %s [options]\n\n", name);
	printf("Where [options] is one of:\n\n"
		"    -s <string>\tIP to connect to\n"
		"    -t <int>\tSend a timer interrupt every x seconds.\n"
		"    -p <int>\tPort number to connect to\n"
		"    -c <int>\tChannels to stream (can be specified multiple times)\n"
		"    -n <string>\tBase filename of pipe (ch# will be appended)\n"
		"    -v\t\tVerbose output\n"
		"    -u <string>\tUsername\n"
		"    -a <string>\tPassword\n"
		"    -m <int>\tMode to use (ie. mobile/media)\n"
		"    \t\t1 - Use mobile port (safest, default)\n"
		"    \t\t2 - Use media port (Works for some models, ie. Zmodo 9104)\n"
		"    \t\t3 - Use media port w/header (Other models, please test)\n"
		"    \t\t4 - Use QT5 family (ie. QT504, QT528)\n"
		"    \t\t5 - Zmodo DVR-8104UV compatible (also DVR-8114HV)\n"
		"    \t\t6 - CnM Classic 4 Cam DVR\n"
		"    \t\t7 - Visionari 4/8 Channel DVR\n"
		"    \t\t8 - Swann DM-70D and compatible\n"
		"    \t\t9 - Swann DVR8-4000 and compatible\n"
		"    \t\t10 - mEye compatible\n"

void sigHandler(int sig)
	printMessage(true, "Received signal: %i\n", sig);
	switch( sig )
	case SIGTERM:
	case SIGINT:
		// Kill the main loop
		g_cleanUp = true;
	case SIGUSR1:
	case SIGALRM:
	case SIGPIPE:
		g_cleanUp = 2;
	case SIGUSR2:
		g_cleanUp = 3;

int printMessage(bool verbose, const char *message, ...)
	char msgBuf[2048];
	int ret=0;
	va_list argptr;
	va_start(argptr, message);

	if( g_processCh == -1 )
		sprintf(msgBuf, "Main: %s", message);
		sprintf(msgBuf, "Ch %i: %s", g_processCh, message);

	if( !( verbose && !globalArgs.verbose) )
		ret = vprintf(msgBuf, argptr);

	return ret;
// This is more compatible, but less reliable than the Media mode.
// h264 decoder shows "This stream was generated by a broken encoder, invalid 8x8 inference"
// Output is 320x240@25fps ~160kbit/s VBR
int ConnectViaMobile(int sockFd, int channel)
	struct QSeeLoginMobile loginBuf = {0};
	int retval;
	int header;
	char recvBuf[128];

	// do writing
	// Setup login buffer
	loginBuf.val1 = htonl(64);
	loginBuf.val3 = htons(10496);
	loginBuf.val4 = htons(14336);   = htons(channel);
	strcpy(loginBuf.user, globalArgs.username);
	strcpy(loginBuf.pass, globalArgs.password);

	retval = send(sockFd, (char*)(&loginBuf), sizeof(loginBuf), 0);

	if( globalArgs.verbose )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Send result: %i\n", channel+1, retval);

	// do reading
	// Get header length (4 bytes)
	retval = recv(sockFd, &header, sizeof(header), 0);
	if( retval != 4 )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Receive 1 failed.\n", channel+1);
		return 1;

	header = ntohl(header);
	// Get next section (20 bytes)
	retval = recv(sockFd, recvBuf, header, 0);
	if( retval != header )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Receive 2 failed.\n", channel+1);
		return 1;

	// Check login status
	if( recvBuf[16] != 1 )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Login failed: ", channel+1);
		int x;
		for( x=0;x<header;x++)
			printMessage(true, "%02x", recvBuf[x]);
		return 1;

	// Read next sections
	retval = recv(sockFd, recvBuf, sizeof(header), 0);
	if( retval != sizeof(header) && recvBuf[3] != 0 )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Problem length (4): %i, recvBuf[3]: %i\n", channel+1, retval, (int)recvBuf[3]);
		return 1;

	header = recvBuf[3] & 0xFF;
	retval = recv(sockFd, recvBuf, header, 0);
	if( retval != header )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Receive 3 failed.\n", channel+1);
		return 1;

	// Read another 27 bytes
	header = 27;
	retval = recv(sockFd, recvBuf, header, 0);
	if( retval != header )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Receive 4 failed.\n", channel+1);
		return 1;

	// If we got here, the stream will be waiting for us to recv.
	return 0;

// This is less compatible, but more reliable than the mobile mode
// Output is 704x480@25fps 1200kbit/s VBR
int ConnectViaMedia(int sockFd, int channel)
	struct QSeeLoginMedia loginBuf;
	int retval;
	static bool beenHere = false;

	memset(&loginBuf, 0, sizeof(loginBuf));

	// Some models take a special header first
	// Mine doesn't, so this is untested
	if( globalArgs.model == media_header )
		retval = send(sockFd, "0123456", 7, 0);

		if( globalArgs.verbose )
			printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Send result: %i\n", channel+1, retval);

	// Setup login buffer
	loginBuf.valc[10] = 0x01;
	*(short*)&loginBuf.valc[14] = htons(0x035f + (1 << channel));
	loginBuf.valc[30] = 0x01;
	loginBuf.valc[26] = 0x68;
	loginBuf.valc[34] = 0x10;
	*(short*)&loginBuf.valc[37] = htons(1 << channel);
	loginBuf.valc[42] = 1;
	loginBuf.valc[46] = 1;

	strcpy(loginBuf.user, globalArgs.username);
	strcpy(loginBuf.pass, globalArgs.password);

	if( globalArgs.verbose && beenHere == false )
		printBuffer((char*)&loginBuf, sizeof(loginBuf));
		beenHere = true;

	retval = send(sockFd, (char*)(&loginBuf), sizeof(loginBuf), 0);

	if( globalArgs.verbose )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Send result: %i\n", channel+1, retval);

/*	// Not sure when this is used, possibly some other model
	// do reading
	// Get header length (8 bytes)
	retval = recv(sockFd, &recvBuf, 8, 0);
	if( retval != 8 )
		if( retval != 16 )
			printMessage(true, "Receive 1 failed.\n");
			return 1;
	// If we got here, the stream will be waiting for us to recv.
	return 0;

// QT5 Family (ie. QT-504)
// the QT-504 is a bit different, it sends 3 packets for login.
int ConnectQT504(int sockFd, int channel)
	char suppLoginBuf[88] = {0};
	struct QSee504Login loginBuf;
	int retval;
	char recvBuf[532];
	static bool beenHere = false;

	memset(&loginBuf, 0, sizeof(loginBuf));

	loginBuf.vala[0] = 0x31;
	loginBuf.vala[1] = 0x31;
	loginBuf.vala[2] = 0x31;
	loginBuf.vala[3] = 0x31;
	loginBuf.vala[4] = 0x88;
	loginBuf.vala[8] = 0x01;
	loginBuf.vala[9] = 0x01;
	loginBuf.vala[12] = 0xff;
	loginBuf.vala[13] = 0xff;
	loginBuf.vala[14] = 0xff;
	loginBuf.vala[15] = 0xff;
	loginBuf.vala[16] = 0x04;
	loginBuf.vala[20] = 0x78;
	loginBuf.vala[24] = 0x03;

	strcpy(loginBuf.user, globalArgs.username);
	strcpy(loginBuf.pass, globalArgs.password);
	gethostname(, sizeof(;
	loginBuf.filler[22] = 0x50;
	loginBuf.filler[23] = 0x56;
	loginBuf.filler[24] = 0xc0;
	loginBuf.filler[25] = 0x08;
	loginBuf.filler[28] = 0x04;
	if( globalArgs.verbose && beenHere == false )
		printBuffer((char*)&loginBuf, sizeof(loginBuf));

	// Send the login packet (1 of 4)
	retval = send(sockFd, (char*)(&loginBuf), sizeof(loginBuf), 0);

	if( globalArgs.verbose )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Send 1 result: %i\n", channel+1, retval);

	// do reading
	// Get header length (4 bytes)
	retval = recv(sockFd, &recvBuf, 532, 0);

	// Verify send was successful
	if( retval != 532 )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Receive 1 failed: %i\n", channel+1, retval);
	//	return 1;
	/* Inbetween the 2 and last packets there is another packet.
	 * It seems to be optional.
	memset(suppLoginBuf, 0, 88);

	suppLoginBuf[0] = 0x31;
	suppLoginBuf[1] = 0x31;
	suppLoginBuf[2] = 0x31;
	suppLoginBuf[3] = 0x31;
	suppLoginBuf[4] = 0x50;
	suppLoginBuf[8] = 0x03;
	suppLoginBuf[9] = 0x04;
	suppLoginBuf[12] = 0xf0;
	suppLoginBuf[13] = 0xb7;
	suppLoginBuf[14] = 0x3d;
	suppLoginBuf[15] = 0x08;
	suppLoginBuf[16] = 0x03;
	suppLoginBuf[20] = 0x40;
	suppLoginBuf[25] = 0xf8;
	suppLoginBuf[32] = 0x01;
	suppLoginBuf[33] = 0xf8;
	suppLoginBuf[40] = 0x02;
	suppLoginBuf[41] = 0xf8;
	suppLoginBuf[48] = 0x03;
	suppLoginBuf[49] = 0xf8;
	suppLoginBuf[56] = 0x40;
	suppLoginBuf[57] = 0xf8;
	suppLoginBuf[60] = 0x97;
	suppLoginBuf[61] = 0xf0;
	suppLoginBuf[64] = 0x41;
	suppLoginBuf[65] = 0xf8;

	// Send the next packet (2 of 4)
	retval = send(sockFd, suppLoginBuf, 88, 0);

	if( globalArgs.verbose )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Send 2 result: %i\n", channel+1, retval);

	retval = 0;
	int ret = 0;
	while( (ret = recv(sockFd, recvBuf, sizeof(recvBuf), 0)) > 0 )
		retval += ret;
	suppLoginBuf[0] = 0x31;
	suppLoginBuf[1] = 0x31;
	suppLoginBuf[2] = 0x31;
	suppLoginBuf[3] = 0x31;
	suppLoginBuf[4] = 0x34;
	suppLoginBuf[8] = 0x01;
	suppLoginBuf[9] = 0x02;
	suppLoginBuf[20] = 0x24;
	*(short*)&suppLoginBuf[36] = htons(1 << channel);
	*(short*)&suppLoginBuf[52] = htons(1 << channel);

	if( globalArgs.verbose && beenHere == false )
		printBuffer((char*)&suppLoginBuf, 60);
		beenHere = true;

	// Send the next packet (3 of 4)
	retval = send(sockFd, suppLoginBuf, 60, 0);

	if( globalArgs.verbose )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Send 3 result: %i\n", channel+1, retval);

	// do reading
	retval = recv(sockFd, recvBuf, 124, 0);

	// Verify send was successful
	if( retval <= 0 )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Receive 3 failed.\n", channel+1);
		return 1;
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Receive 3 result: %i bytes.\n", channel+1, retval);

	// Reuse the old buffer, last three bytes should still be 0
	//suppLoginBuf[5] = 0;
	// Send the last packet (4 of 4)
	//retval = send(sockFd, suppLoginBuf, 8, 0);

	//if( globalArgs.verbose )
	//	printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Send 4 result: %i\n", channel+1, retval);

	// If we got here, the stream will be waiting for us to recv.
	return 0;

// Output is 352x240@25fps VBR
int ConnectDVR8104ViaMobile(int sockFd, int channel)
	struct DVR8104MobileLogin loginBuf;
	int retval;
	static bool beenHere = false;

	memset(&loginBuf, 0, sizeof(loginBuf));

	// Setup login buffer
	loginBuf.vala[3] = 0x70;
	loginBuf.vala[4] = 0x01;
	loginBuf.vala[8] = 0x28;
	loginBuf.vala[10] = 0x04;
	loginBuf.vala[12] = 0x03;
	loginBuf.vala[14] = 0x07;
	loginBuf.vala[16] = 0x48;
	loginBuf.vala[18] = 0x24;
	loginBuf.vala[20] = 0x20;
	loginBuf.vala[21] = 0x20;
	loginBuf.vala[22] = 0x20;
	loginBuf.vala[23] = 0x21;
	loginBuf.vala[24] = 0x20;
	loginBuf.vala[25] = 0x20;
	loginBuf.vala[26] = 0x20;
	loginBuf.vala[36] = 0x4d;
	loginBuf.vala[37] = 0x4f;
	loginBuf.vala[38] = 0x42;
	loginBuf.vala[39] = 0x49;
	loginBuf.vala[40] = 0x4c;
	loginBuf.vala[41] = 0x45;
	loginBuf.vala[56] = 0x29;
	loginBuf.vala[58] = 0x38;
	loginBuf.valb[0] = 0x6e;
	loginBuf.valb[27] = 0x6e;
	loginBuf.filler[10] = 0x01;
	loginBuf.filler[15] = channel;

	strcpy(loginBuf.user, globalArgs.username);
	strcpy(loginBuf.pass, globalArgs.password);

	if( globalArgs.verbose && beenHere == false )
		printBuffer((char*)&loginBuf, sizeof(loginBuf));
		beenHere = true;

	retval = send(sockFd, (char*)(&loginBuf), sizeof(loginBuf), 0);

	if( retval != sizeof(loginBuf) )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Send failed, was: %i, should be: %i\n", channel+1, retval, (int)sizeof(loginBuf));	
		return 1;
	if( globalArgs.verbose )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Send result: %i\n", channel+1, retval);

	// If we got here, the stream will be waiting for us to recv.
	return 0;

// CnM Classic 4 Cam
int ConnectCnMClassic(int sockFd, int channel)
	struct CnMClassicLogin loginBuf;
	int retval;
	char recvBuf[532];
	static bool beenHere = false;

	memset(&loginBuf, 0, sizeof(loginBuf));

	loginBuf.vala[3] = 0x01;
	loginBuf.vala[7] = 0x03;
	loginBuf.vala[8] = 0x0b;
	loginBuf.vala[19] = 0x68;
	loginBuf.vala[23] = 0x01;
	loginBuf.vala[27] = 0x54;
	*(short*)&loginBuf.vala[30] = htons(1 << channel);

	strcpy(loginBuf.user, globalArgs.username);
	strcpy(loginBuf.pass, globalArgs.password);
	if( globalArgs.verbose && beenHere == false )
		printBuffer((char*)&loginBuf, sizeof(loginBuf));

	// Send the login packet
	retval = send(sockFd, (char*)(&loginBuf), sizeof(loginBuf), 0);

	if( globalArgs.verbose )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Send 1 result: %i\n", channel+1, retval);

	// do reading (1 of 2)
	retval = recv(sockFd, &recvBuf, 8, 0);

	// Verify send was successful
	if( retval != 8 && recvBuf[0] != 1 )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Receive 1 failed: %i\n", channel+1, retval);
		printBuffer((char*)&recvBuf, sizeof(recvBuf));
		return 1;
	// do reading (1 of 2)
	retval = recv(sockFd, &recvBuf, 520, 0);

	// Verify send was successful
	if( retval != 520 )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Receive 2 failed: %i\n", channel+1, retval);
		printBuffer((char*)&recvBuf, sizeof(recvBuf));
		return 1;

	// If we got here, the stream will be waiting for us to recv.
	return 0;

// Visionari 4/8 Channel DVR
int ConnectVisionari(int sockFd, int channel)
        struct VisionariLogin loginBuf;
        int retval;
        static bool beenHere = false;

        memset(&loginBuf, 0, sizeof(loginBuf));

	// Setup login buffer
        loginBuf.vala[3] = 0x70;
        loginBuf.vala[4] = 0x01;
        loginBuf.vala[8] = 0x28;
        loginBuf.vala[10] = 0x04;
        loginBuf.vala[12] = 0x03;
        loginBuf.vala[14] = 0x07;
        loginBuf.vala[16] = 0x48;
        loginBuf.vala[18] = 0x24;
        loginBuf.vala[20] = 0x30;
        loginBuf.vala[21] = 0x30;
        loginBuf.vala[22] = 0x30;
        loginBuf.vala[23] = 0x31;
        loginBuf.vala[24] = 0x30;
        loginBuf.vala[25] = 0x30;
        loginBuf.vala[26] = 0x30;
        loginBuf.vala[36] = 0x4d;
        loginBuf.vala[37] = 0x4f;
        loginBuf.vala[38] = 0x42;
        loginBuf.vala[39] = 0x49;
        loginBuf.vala[40] = 0x4c;
        loginBuf.vala[41] = 0x45;
        loginBuf.vala[56] = 0x29;
        loginBuf.vala[58] = 0x38;
        loginBuf.filler[10] = 0x01;
        loginBuf.filler[15] = channel;

	strcpy(loginBuf.user, globalArgs.username);
        strcpy(loginBuf.pass, globalArgs.password);

        if( globalArgs.verbose && beenHere == false )
                printBuffer((char*)&loginBuf, sizeof(loginBuf));
                beenHere = true;

        retval = send(sockFd, (char*)(&loginBuf), sizeof(loginBuf), 0);

        if( retval != sizeof(loginBuf) )
                printf("Ch %i: Send failed, was: %i, should be: %i\n", channel+1, retval, (int)sizeof(loginBuf));
                return 1;
        if( globalArgs.verbose )
                printf("Ch %i: Send result: %i\n", channel+1, retval);

        // If we got here, the stream will be waiting for us to recv.
        return 0;

// For some Swann models (Hardware version DM-70D, Device type DVR04B)
int ConnectSwannViaMedia(int sockFd, int channel)
	struct SwannLoginMedia loginBuf;
	int retval;
	static bool beenHere = false;
	char recvBuf[16];
	short *shrtval;
	memset(&loginBuf, 0, sizeof(loginBuf));

	// Setup login buffer
	loginBuf.valc[10] = 0x01;
	shrtval = (short*)&loginBuf.valc[14];
	if( channel == 1 )
		*shrtval = htons(0x0324);
		*shrtval = htons(0x0324 + channel);

	loginBuf.valc[26] = 0x68;
	loginBuf.valc[30] = 0x01;
	loginBuf.valc[34] = 0x10;
	*(short*)&loginBuf.valc[37] = htons(1 << channel);
	loginBuf.valc[42] = 1;
	loginBuf.valc[46] = 1;

	strcpy(loginBuf.user, globalArgs.username);
	strcpy(loginBuf.pass, globalArgs.password);

	if( globalArgs.verbose && beenHere == false )
		printBuffer((char*)&loginBuf, sizeof(loginBuf));
		beenHere = true;

	retval = send(sockFd, (char*)(&loginBuf), sizeof(loginBuf), 0);
	printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Send result: %i\n", channel+1, retval);

	// before video stream, a small packet is sent
	// Get header length (8 bytes)
	retval = recv(sockFd, &recvBuf, 8, 0);
	if( retval != 8 )
		if( retval != 16 )
			printMessage(false, "Receive 1 failed.\n");
			return 1;
	// If we got here, the stream will be waiting for us to recv.
	return 0;

int ConnectSwannDVR8(int sockFd, int channel)
	char channelBuf[32] = {0};
	struct SwannDVR8 loginBuf;
	int retval;
	static bool beenHere = false;
	char recvBuf[9686];
	memset(&loginBuf, 0, sizeof(loginBuf));

	// Setup login buffer
	loginBuf.valc[0] = 0xf0;
	loginBuf.valc[1] = 0xde;
	loginBuf.valc[2] = 0xbc;
	loginBuf.valc[3] = 0x0a;
	loginBuf.valc[4] = 0x01;
	loginBuf.valc[8] = 0x44;
	loginBuf.valc[12] = 0xff;
	loginBuf.valc[13] = 0xff;
	loginBuf.valc[14] = 0xff;
	loginBuf.valc[15] = 0xff;	

	strcpy(loginBuf.user, globalArgs.username);
	strcpy(loginBuf.pass, globalArgs.password);
	memset(channelBuf, 0, 32);

	// select channel to stream
	channelBuf[0] = 0xf0;
	channelBuf[1] = 0xde;
	channelBuf[2] = 0xbc;
	channelBuf[3] = 0x0a;
	channelBuf[4] = 0x03;       //0x03 request video stream
	                            //0x04 logoff
	channelBuf[8] = 0x0c;
	*(short*)&channelBuf[11] = htons(channel);     //channel number
	*(short*)&channelBuf[19] = htons(channel);     //channel number
	*(short*)&channelBuf[23] = htons(channel);     //channel number
	channelBuf[28] = 0x01;     // Streaming Quality
	                           //seems to be 0x01 for Video: h264 (High), yuv420p, 352x240, 8.83 fps, 4 tbr, 1200k tbn, 8 tbc
	                           //and 0x00 for Video: h264 (High), yuv420p, 704x480, 30 fps, 30 tbr, 1200k tbn, 60 tbc
	//total length 32 bytes

	if( globalArgs.verbose && beenHere == false )
		printBuffer((char*)&loginBuf, sizeof(loginBuf));
		printBuffer((char*)&channelBuf, sizeof(channelBuf));
		beenHere = true;

	retval = send(sockFd, (char*)(&loginBuf), sizeof(loginBuf), 0);
	printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Send Login result: %i\n", channel+1, retval);
	retval = recv(sockFd, recvBuf, sizeof(recvBuf), 0);
	//printBuffer((char*)&recvBuf, 32);
	printMessage(true, "Received Login Result: %i\n", retval);
	//printMessage(true, "X: %02x\n", (unsigned char)(recvBuf[8])); Value should be 0x50
	// Send packet to open channel
	retval = send(sockFd, channelBuf, sizeof(channelBuf), 0);
	// Verify send was successful
	if( retval != 32 )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Could not open channel, Streaming failed.\n", channel+1);
		return 1;
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Send Channel result: %i bytes.\n", channel+1, retval);
	// If we got here, the stream will be waiting for us to recv.
	return 0;

int ConnectMEYE(int sockFd, int channel)
//00000000  00 00 00 48 00 00 00 00  28 00 04 00 05 00 00 00 ...H.... (.......
//00000010  29 00 38 00 61 64 6d 69  6e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ).8.admi n.......
//00000020  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........
//00000030  00 00 00 00 6e 69 76 6c  32 30 30 35 00 00 00 00 ....nivl 2005....
//00000040  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 05 00 00             ........ ....
//76 bytes total

	struct mEye loginBuf;
	int retval;
	static bool beenHere = false;
	memset(&loginBuf, 0, sizeof(loginBuf));
	char initBuf[43] = {0};
	char configBuf[18] = {0};
	char channelBuf[26] = {0};
	char recvBuf[1024];

    // Setup the init buffer
    strcpy(initBuf, "GET /bubble/live?ch=0&stream=0 HTTP/1.1");
    initBuf[39] = 0x0d;
	initBuf[40] = 0x0a;
	initBuf[41] = 0x0d;
	initBuf[42] = 0x0a;
	    //total length 43 bytes

	// Setup login buffer
	loginBuf.valc[0] = 0xaa;
	loginBuf.valc[4] = 0x35;
	loginBuf.valc[13] = 0x2c;	

	strcpy(loginBuf.user, globalArgs.username);
	strcpy(loginBuf.pass, globalArgs.password);
	//*(short*)&[0] = htons(channel);     //channel number
	// Now setup configBuf
	memset(configBuf, 0, 18);

	// setup streaming
	configBuf[0] = 0xaa;
	configBuf[4] = 0x0d;
	configBuf[13] = 0x04;
	configBuf[14] = 0x01;
	    //total length 18 bytes
	// Now setup channelBuf
	memset(channelBuf, 0, 26);

	// select channel to stream
	channelBuf[0] = 0xaa;
	channelBuf[4] = 0x15;
	channelBuf[5] = 0x0a;
	*(short*)&channelBuf[9] = htons(channel);     //channel number	
	channelBuf[14] = 0x01;                         // Quality? 0=High, 1=Low
	channelBuf[18] = 0x01;
		//total length 26 bytes

	if( globalArgs.verbose && beenHere == false )
		printBuffer((char*)&initBuf, sizeof(initBuf));
		printBuffer((char*)&loginBuf, sizeof(loginBuf));
		printBuffer((char*)&configBuf, sizeof(configBuf));
		printBuffer((char*)&channelBuf, sizeof(channelBuf));
		beenHere = true;
	// send init packet
	retval = send(sockFd, (char*)(&initBuf), sizeof(initBuf), 0);
	printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Send Init result: %i\n", channel+1, retval);
	retval = recv(sockFd, recvBuf, sizeof(recvBuf), 0);  // expect 1024 byte response after login request
	//printBuffer((char*)&recvBuf, 32);
	printMessage(true, "Received Init Result(expect 1024): %i\n", retval);
	// send login packet
	retval = send(sockFd, (char*)(&loginBuf), sizeof(loginBuf), 0);
	printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Send Login result: %i\n", channel+1, retval);
	retval = recv(sockFd, recvBuf, 54, 0);  // expect 54 byte response after login request
	//printBuffer((char*)&recvBuf, 32);
	printMessage(true, "Received Login Result(expect 54): %i\n", retval);
	// send configure packet
	retval = send(sockFd, (char*)(&configBuf), sizeof(configBuf), 0);
	printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Send config result: %i\n", channel+1, retval);
	retval = recv(sockFd, recvBuf, 22, 0);  // expect 22 byte response after config request
	//printBuffer((char*)&recvBuf, 32);
	printMessage(true, "Received Login Result(expect 22): %i\n", retval);
	// Send packet to open channel
	retval = send(sockFd, channelBuf, sizeof(channelBuf), 0);
	// Verify send was successful, all 26 bytes
	if( retval != 26 )
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Could not open channel, Streaming failed.\n", channel+1);
		return 1;
		printMessage(true, "Ch %i: Send Channel result: %i bytes.\n", channel+1, retval);

	// If we got here, the stream will be waiting for us to recv.
	return 0;

and here the code of the service to automatically boot zmodopipe, zmodopipe.service:


ExecStart=/usr/bin/zmodopipe -s -p 7050 -c 1 -c 2 -c 4 -c5 - n zmodo -u Admin -a password -m 5


Here the steps to compile zmodopipe and install its service:

nano /tmp/zmodopipe.c
gcc -Wall /tmp/zmodopipe.c -o /usr/bin/zmodopipe
chmod +x /usr/bin/zmodopipe
nano /etc/systemd/system/zmodopipe.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable zmodopipe.service
systemctl start zmodopipe.service
