July 2013

Patch to fully enable GSM on CDMA Global phones with Android

The Global Phones are phones with CDMA and GSM modems but that are usually configured to primarly work on CDMA network and at least to be able to call on GSM network. If you have a Global Phone for CDMA Network and you want correctly use it on GSM Network than you have to edit the build.prop file to fully enable the GSM(2G)/UMTS(3G) and you have to set APNs to use data. Correctly editing the build.prop you will unlock the hidden menù Testing if it is locked as for Verizon phones, and you will be able to manage the baseband and you will enable on every Rom these advanced gsm features: GSM/UMTS -> [GSM auto (PRL)] in Testing menù SMS MMS 2G/3G Data USSD Code Call Forwarding Testing menù accessible dialing the code *#*#4636#*#* with this patch: your SIM GSM will be detected by roms CDMA...

GSM Patch for CyanogenMod 10.1.2 on Motorola Droid 4

Here you can download the last stable version of the CyanogenMod for the Motorola Droid 4 xt894 to install Andorid 4.2.2. This patch is only for non US users. To enable GSM you can install this my patch to insert in the Rom a correct build.prop file for the GSM and a list of europeans APN. The patch is for the CM 10.1.2 and it will enable: fully GSM SMS MMS 3G Data USSD Code The build.prop has been edited with these changes: persist.radio.ap.phonetype=1 ro.telephony.default_network=3 ro.telephony.gsm-routes-us-smsc=0 telephony.lteOnCdmaDevice=0 ro.mot.lte_on_cdma=0 How to install the patch: Copy the .zip file to the external memory or memory card Reboot your phone and enter on Safestrap From the Install menu select the .zip file and instal withotut signature verification on CyanogenMod...

Best JavaScript for your browser

Basically, JavaScripts are the prerogative of the creator of an internet site but you can execute them locally so you can change\improve the navigation experience of an internet site. For a long time, the reference site on which to search for any kind of JavaScript was userscrips.org but since it has been closed you can search them on greasyfork.org and on userscripts-mirror.org . In order to use...